
Whole Paleo Vegan Keto I Don’t Know!

I am really overwhelmed with all of the diet trends out there.  How am I supposed to know which one is the best for me?  It seems there are good parts to all of them, and I’m sure if you stick to anything long term you will see results.  But I can have the best of intentions, at least in the beginning, but then I get bored.  Or lazy.  Let’s be honest – I get lazy.

So I’m going to try something different this year.  I definitely need to get myself in better shape, and that includes losing a decent amount of weight.  I think surfing would be a bit easier if I didn’t have quite so much to balance on a board!  But I need something that will work for me long term.  If you have read our other posts, you might have caught on to the fact that we like to surf.  This is a new passion for us, and we definitely have a long way to go.  But it is our reason for wanting to get fit.  I really think you have to find a reason to be fit that is beyond the numbers on a scale.

I’ve decided to go with an old school common sense approach.  No food group is completely off limits.  Instead, I will incorporate aspects of various programs into my diet each week.  Perhaps I will try a couple of vegan meals.  I did try cashew-based yogurt this week, and it was actually good.  I’ll add in a few paleo meals, some will be Whole 30 compliant.  I will strive to get all of my daily fruits and vegetables.  I will become almost militant about my daily water intake.  I will also have the occasional cookie, or cheeseburger without feeling guilty about it.

And I’ll start moving.  I don’t want to compete in marathons, nor am I ever going to compete in any body building competition.   I do want to be strong and flexible, and increase my endurance.    I tried a Barre class recently and really liked it.  I think I’ll stick with that.  And maybe add in a yoga class.  On warm days when I can’t get to a beach, I can go paddle boarding.  And walk, intentionally, several times a week.  I will also walk  more as a matter of routine.  There are always staircases instead of elevators, and it is a lot easier to find a parking space further away from the door.

What are you trying to do to get fit this year?

Hi I’m Jen he’s Dan. We are Life Enthusiasts with a thirst for travel, great food, good wine, & a healthy lifestyle.
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